Sunday, December 14, 2008

My son is a time burgler!!

I gave him the benefit of the doubt for quite a while, every time me and Georgy sit down together to eat or something....Justin starts crying! For a while I thought it was just bad timing...that was until I caught him red handed trying to steal quality time from me and Georgy this weekend. It started with Friday night, while trying to have a movie date, he starts to fuss until Georgy picks him up! OK no big deal, we'll try again on Saturday......same results, arrrrgggh!! Maybe he realized that he wants to be an only child, because quality time is what got him here in the first place!!


  1. HAHA. That is hilarious.
    But I know what you mean.. Georgy held him while I was there and he was as quiet as a mouse. SHe gave him to me and he was fine.. until she came and sat down next to me.. when he saw her - he started cuttin up.. He wants her ALL to himself. I've seen it. lol

  2. That is too funny. He is truly a mama's boy. But don't worry about it too much Carl, once he gets a little bigger and wants to do boy things he will want his father.

  3. Ha! Ha! Ha! I guess if you truly want quality time, someone besides you and G will have to watch him. lol

  4. With all Justin has gone through, he can be a time burglar if he wants to be. "Hang on to your hat," 'cause this is just the beginning. It's written in little, tiny print as being one of the perils of parenthood, but what a wonderful thing!

  5. actually posted something yourself? strange

  6. So Justin's got it figured out. Takes one to know one!
    Grandpa Smitty
