Friday, February 13, 2009

The feeding saga continues

The Zantac isn't working, well not completely. He's not throwing up as much, in fact, he hasn't thrown up in the past 4 days. But his desire to eat hasn't gotten any better. He's capable of taking 4 - 5 ozs a feed, he just doesn't do it consistently. On Wednesday he took 4.5 ozs at 2. At 5 I tried to feed him and nothing. I tried every half hour for the next 3 hours until finally he took about 2.5 ozs at 8. But even then it took him an hour to take that. It's hit or miss with each feeding, you never know how much he'll take. Part of me wonders if he just has a small appetite and he's really full. But even if that's the case, is it enough for him to develop properly, probably not. I asked Dr. Hirsch how much he should be eating and she said somewhere between 5-6 ozs per feed, which sounds like a lot.

So Dr. Hirsch is calling peds GI at Children's Hospital, but she said they're always busy and it may take a while to be seen. She's hoping that by calling herself she can get him seen pretty quickly because he's "complicated". Hey, whatever works. In the meantime she upped his Zantac to the maximum dose for his weight. I forgot to ask for something stronger, but I don't think she would've been comfortable with trying something else anyway. When she first called she said that she didn't know what else to do and she needed help. It'll be interesting to see how much he weighs at his next appointment, but that's not until March 5th.


  1. Hey.. I can answer a couple of those..
    for growth, he should get 100cal (5oz formula or breastmilk) per kilo.
    to protect his brain development, he needs 100ml/kilo.

    I asked our GI doc.

    Come on and eat, J!

  2. I'm real happy to know that Justin will be seen by a Children's Hospital Doc. I wished for that months ago. Once his intestinal tract is dealt with, his eating patterns will no doubt improve.
