Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jedi Warrior

Its been 2 months since Justin was originally fitted for his helmet so we had an appointment yesterday to take new measurements. They now scan the baby's head instead of casting it. It was kind of neat, seeing a mold of his head automatically pop up on the computer screen. Justin looked like a little Jedi warrior in the cap.

I did voice my concerns/frustration with how long this process is taking. According to Wright & Filipis the hold up has been my insurance company. Medicaid will automatically cover the cost of the helmet, but only after they receive a denial from the primary insurance. Apparently they just received notification from my insurance that the claim was denied. But we still have the hold up with Carl's insurance. I've been to Department of Human Services twice and left the necessary information for Justin's case worker to update our insurance information in the system, but nothing. I've also been calling for weeks now but can never get anyone on the phone. At this point I'm fed up so I told Wright & Filipis to just bill me for the helmet and I'll submit a claim for reimbursement.


  1. I feel that. You gotta get it done.

  2. No worries, he is rocking that mold and playing with his toy like nothing is wrong. He is a WARRIOR

  3. I'm glad things are FINALLY progressing.
