Friday, May 29, 2009

My 1st B-day!

Mommy & Daddy had my 1 year photos taken where I tried hard not to flash my pearly whites. Sure I have no teeth but humor me a little, you all know what I mean. But I finally gave in and gave the silly photographer lady a couple smiles which made mommy happy.

Then we went to the NICU where I spent the first 102 days of my life. It was really nice seeing the nurses, nurse practitioners and doctors. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for them so I brought cupcakes to show my appreciation. I even got a birthday present, a cuddly teddy bear, from Dr. E. Sadly mommy forgot to bring the camera so I didn't get any pictures.

Anyway, here's what I'm up to these days:

I'm sitting unassisted.

I'm pushing up on my hands and knees into the crawl position but have no desire to do anything else and fall down after a few seconds.

I've been rolling from tummy to back for a while. Now I'm trying to figure out how to roll from back to tummy, although I'm perfectly content on my back so I don't know why they keep trying to get me to roll onto my tummy.

I love eating my feet, and anything else for that matter that doesn't really have any nutritional value. Feet, computers, cell phones, you name it, I don't discriminate.

I think I have this babbling/talking thing under control. I'm saying da da, ma ma, and bob and slowly starting to imitate sounds.

I'm still working on my fine motor skills but I'm getting better at grabbing things, especially something that I want to put in my mouth and chew on.

I'm sleeping through the night in my own crib. Mommy says I'm a night owl and need to start going to bed sooner than 10 or 11 though.

Enjoy the pictures
Love, Justin


  1. Happy 1st. birthday to Justin. These pictures are adorable. He is, indeed, a miracle baby, as Grandma Neva said. Justin's making great progress!

  2. oh. those are FAB pictures!!!

  3. These pixs are great. I must have one of each. The one of him sitting in his chair is too much....sitting all proper like an old daddy.

  4. ....and look at those profile shots. Perfect Poses. He is such a model - Tyson Beckford better watch out.

  5. Okay, I didn't see the one of Justin staring off to the side last night. What was he looking at? :-)

  6. his pics are too too cute. and i LOVE the pic in the chair!! he look like a lil man in that picture!
