Monday, January 4, 2010

30 week appointment

BP: 127/65
Total weight gain: +3 lbs
Baby's heart rate: 152 bpm

Well, I haven't gained any more weight, but I haven't lost any either. And since my belly is measuring right on track at 30 cm I guess it's not an issue.

Good news, my blood pressure is still good. Bad news, I have protein in my urine and I started crying when the dr. told me. This is not something you want to hear when you've previously had preeclampsia. Because my blood pressure was good she wasn't too concerned, however, given my history she's having me come back next week for another check. In the meantime I'll check my blood pressure daily to ensure it's not creeping up there. Keep your fingers crossed for me, this baby needs to stay put for another 7 weeks.


  1. OMG! Hang in there. Evidently, I need to do some more talking to your stomach to convince that little one to stay in there longer.

  2. Oh wow I know that did freak u out. I think that happened to me twice with donne, the 1st time the doc didn't tell me initially cause she didn't want me to worry, but she ordered more tests immediately the next day. is hoping that the little man stay put.
