Monday, February 22, 2010

Our first week at home

Overall Nathan is a pretty good baby. He doesn't cry much, except during diaper changes. Breastfeeding is going well, although he often falls asleep during a feed and only ends up nursing on one side. So it seems like I'm feeding him every hour or so. Fortunately he sleeps longer at night so I'm only getting up once or twice. Our biggest problem is that he is peeing through his diapers. Carlene had this same problem with Aiden when he was born. She tried different diapers but it didn't really matter which brand she used until he got some more meat on him.

My recovery is coming along. I'm slow getting out or sitting up in the bed because my incision/stomach is still very tender, but I'm down to only 1 pill a day to manage the pain.

In the past few days Justin has been acting out. I'm sure he senses that things are different now that Nathan's home so Carl and I are trying very hard to make things as normal as possible for him. Since I'm not supposed to pick him up I try and spend some one on one quality time with him at least once daily. I'll admit that I have bent the rules just a little because how do you explain to your toddler that mommy just had surgery and can't pick you up. He still goes to Carlene's Monday - Wednesday so when he and Carl get home the 4 of us spend time together playing in Justin's room.


  1. This picture proves what I already thought - Nathan looks like his mommy. :-)

  2. Oooh wee, can't wait to see my little Nate tomorrow.

  3. see georgina..even lalla says it. i said it the day he was born...nathan looks like YOU!!
