Friday, June 11, 2010


That was J’s temperature yesterday evening. During story time I noticed he felt a little warm but didn’t think too much about it since he had just been running around. I made a mental note to myself to check his temperature when we went upstairs for the night but got distracted when Nathan woke up hungry. But when Carl got home he noticed that J wasn’t quite himself so he took his temperature and it was 100.8.

We’ve been pretty fortunate that, with the exception of a few minor colds, J really hasn’t been sick or had a fever this high before. So had it not been for AJ running a fever earlier this week I’m not sure I would’ve known exactly what to do. I gave him a lukewarm bath, some Tylenol and re-checked his temperature about an hour later and it had gone down some. But he was breathing a little heavier than usual so we brought him to bed with us. If there was any doubt before, last night confirmed that it’s definitely time for a bigger bed; the five of us were pretty cramped. Just in case you’re wondering the five includes Basyl.

His temp had gone up to 101.2 this morning so I called his dr’s office; they said that if it was 102 or higher they’d tell me to bring him in. They mentioned that there were a lot of virus’ going around and since most symptoms don’t display themselves for up to 24 hours it was up to me whether or not to bring him in. Since he was his normal self and was still eating I decided to continue on with what we’re doing. He’s been a little clingy since I’ve been home and won’t take his cup of Pediasure so we’ll see how tonight goes.

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