Sunday, July 25, 2010

To pump or not to pump...that is the question

I always knew I wanted to breastfeed but never had a set time frame in mind for how long I would nurse. I figured I'd play it by ear and see how long I could keep it up. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for about the first 6 months of life. Nathan was exclusively breastfeed for the first 3 months. But when I went back to work I wasn't able to keep up with his healthy appetite so we started supplementing with formula. Now, as his appetite has increased yet again I'm faced with a dilemma: do I switch to formula or do I continue pumping and give him what I can.

I don't think there's any mom that enjoys pumping. Especially when you're dealing with supply issues. It's depressing when you spend 15-20 minutes two times a day to get only 2 ozs each session when your child is drinking 6 ozs per bottle. And let's face it, even if your supply is great, who wants to tote around a breast pump, purse, laptop and lunch pail back and forth to work each day. Sometimes it's frustrating when you're the sole source of food for your child. As much as I enjoy my quality bonding time with Nathan there definitely are times when I wish Carl had the "equipment" to also feed Nathan. Of course he can always give him a bottle but when you're breastfeeding you don't get a break because you still have to pump. But I continue on because I realize that any amount of breast milk is good for Nathan.

So last week I started taking Fenugreek and drinking Mother's Milk tea to help increase my supply. Many women see an improvement within 24-48 hours while others take up to a week. We'll see if this works and help me continue nursing longer.


  1. I've never heard of Fenugreek but I know someone who had great success with Mother's Milk Tea. Hopefully, it will work for you as well. Later, you can tell Nathan if he wasn't so greddy (lol), this wouldn't be a problem for his mommy.

  2. You're such a dedicated mom. Your motives are especially admirable and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and feelings on your post.

  3. You are to be commended for breastfeeding Nathan for 3 months! He is thriving and will continue to thrive whether you breastfeed him 3 more months or not--watch and see.

  4. girl goodluck! you know my 9 month long story with BFing and pumping (if it was up to lil d it wouldve been much longer). LOL. and beyond the 1 month mark, I didnt have any supply issues so Im sorry I have no suggestions for that. I have heard of the two supplements you are taking and heard that they work. GOODLUCK! Good for making it this long and if your body dont cooperate then just know that nathan did get a good amount of months on it.
