Friday, September 3, 2010

5 on Friday

Here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. We had just gotten back from shopping and were unloading the car. When I knocked on the back door to tell Carlene to unlock the doors J peeked around the sun shade as if to say "who is it"?
2. Nathan fell asleep in his crib on his own without having to be fed or rocked to sleep. YAY!
3. We were heading downstairs for lunch and as J got to the edge of the top of the stairs he turned around and reached out his hand to grab mine. Since I was carrying Nathan and holding J's hand it was going kind of slow. So I jokingly said to J "you need to hurry this up" and he started scooting down the stairs.
4. The other day a telemarketer called and while I was patiently waiting for a good break in the conversation to say "I'm not interested" I heard someone pressing the keys. The telemarketer, thinking we had gotten disconnected, asked if I was still there and I said that my son was dialing on the phone. It was at that moment that a light bulb went on in my head and I hung up. Thank you J, my new telemarketer buffer.
5. J likes to help dress himself. He puts his feet out when he sees his shoes, holds his legs apart so we can put on his pants/shorts and puts his arms through the arm holes.


  1. Your sons are growing up nicely. I'm sure it's fun watching and wondering what the next new "thing" or "situation" will be in their development.

  2. :-) I especially love #s 3 & 4. Go J!
