Friday, December 31, 2010

5 on Friday

Here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  It was x-mas morning and during a diaper change I started singing merry Christmas to Nathan and he just giggled and giggled.

2.  Whenever J wants to be held he turns around (with his back to you) and scoots his way towards your lap and then wiggles himself in between your legs until you pick him up and then he gives you the biggest smile when he's picked up. 

3.  Nathan had some really bad diaper blowouts so as I was changing his clothes for the 3rd time I said "no more blowouts, okay, pinky swear".  I held out my pinky when I said it and Nathan wrapped his pinky around mine.

4.  Justin doesn't like his milk cold but he also doesn't like waiting for it to be warmed up.  So Carlene came up with a great idea to calm him down while it's warming in the microwave.  J gets such a kick out of counting down from 10 for the microwave to go off and smiles and laughs as we get closer to the beep. 

5.  J always helps dress himself by holding out his arm, leg or foot.  This week he found the arm hole to his shirt and put his arm in all by himself. 


  1. We're always excited about things learned, big and small. Funny, but a child can often soften situations and make us smile.

  2. #3,4,5 AWESOME! #1 Of course, is cool because it involves SINGING! (Lol)
