As always, here are 5 reasons I'm loving my boys this week:
1. When I went into Justin's room to wake him up I found J sitting in his chair waiting for Elmo in Grouchland to come on. He had turned on the TV but hadn't pushed play. The next day he figured out how to start the movie because I heard him climb out of his crib, turn on the TV and then I heard the movie start.
2. My dad was visiting and asked Justin how he was doing and J told him he was good.
3. Justin was watching the amphibian episode of Sesame Street where Elmo and Abby try to figure out which animals are amphibians based upon certain clues. When they came to a horse J yelled out mammal, and when Carlene said "J, you're not a mammal, what are you?" J replied with "a boy".
4. After several failed attempts to get the boys to eat naked chicken tenders Carlene decided to add BBQ sauce. J said mmmmm after the first bite, came back to Carlene 2 minutes later, spit out the naked chicken and grabbed another piece with BBQ sauce.
5. Carlene, Lalla and I went to dinner Friday night and Justin was trying to run away and be free so Lalla tried to reason with him and said, "I need you to be still and stand up straight like a big boy, okay." Justin's answer, "Okay." and he stopped squirming.
There's never a dull moment when children are "in the picture."