Friday, May 20, 2011

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. When Mary Jo, Justin's Early On teacher, walked in the door all 3 boys swarmed around her and raided her bag of toys. J picked up a baby doll and when he realized what it was threw it back in the bag and said "yucky baby".

2. During Justin's Early On evaluation, Mary Jo asked him to give Elmo a kiss but instead he stood up and gave Mary Jo a kiss and then Nathan walked up to her and gave her a kiss.

3. As told by Carlene & Lalla: Justin kept taking toys from Nathan and after awhile Nathan decided he had enough of the "bullying"; he grunted, did a football stiff arm and slowly walked towards J and in one fell swoop took J down and pinned him to the ground. Carlene demonstrated for me and it's funnier seeing it in person, but it was so cute I had to share nonetheless.

4. Carl was reading Justin a bedtime story and then made a silly comment so I playfully slapped Carl on his leg. And as soon as I did it J climbed off of Carl's lap and then slapped his dad's leg like I did.

5. As told by Lalla: Today when I got to your house I sat on the ground so Ari could crawl to me. Well Nathan walked over and promptly sat down in my lap, blocking Ari and he wouldn't budge. When I needed to nurse I slid him over to the side and he just laid back with his head on Ari's stomach. Then Aiden came over and pretty much squished me & Ari trying to get in on the love fest. Only J, who was busy with Yo Gabba Gabba didn't get involved.

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