Saturday, March 31, 2012

Potty Training 401

We are now entering month 4 of full blown potty training and I'm wiped out and I just knew we'd be so much further along than we are. Granted Justin has peed in the potty AT least once every day this week; mostly he's gone twice a day, one day we got really lucky and he went 3 times that day and then one day he peed and pooped in the potty. However, is it really progress when he's only going because we make him sit on the potty until he goes? 

I know, potty training is a process and has several stages but isn't making him sit until he pees more part of the first few months of potty training?  We're 3 months into it, shouldn't he be realizing on his own that he needs to go?  I actually think he does but he's being very stubborn. Case in point, Thursday night I sat him on the potty about 45 minutes before bath time and told him that he couldn't take a bath until he peed. Bath time rolled around and still no pee, so J watched while I gave Nathan his bath. He still hadn't peed by the time I finished with Nathan so I told him "okay, no bath for you tonight, bring your potty into your brother's room while I get him dressed". And boy was he not happy but no sooner than he sat down on the potty in Nate's room what did he do; he started peeing.  Really Justin!?!?!

When will he stop being stubborn, when will it click for him and most importantly, when can I stop buying Pull Ups, lol?  I just hope it's before we start potty training Nathan this summer because I need a break and I'm sure I won't be able to handle potty training both of them together, especially if it continues on like this.

1 comment:

  1. I have a four year old who was a micropreemie and you guys are farther along than us. He pees about once every two weeks in the potty. He is just realizing when he is dirty and will ask to be changed. I always wonder if he is being stubborn or just does not get it. I tried going to underwear, but after eight days I was a candidate for a mental hospital.

    Maybe training them together will be easier? Best of luck on the continued potty training.
