Friday, September 7, 2012

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. I came up with a new potty song for Nathan, "Nathan's sitting on the potty, siting on the potty, get it get get it, yay" and both boys caught on pretty quickly.  Justin was in the tub and Nathan was on the potty and they both started singing along and J would stand up and shout out "yay". 

2. Justin loves Dr. Seuss' alphabet book and on our way to school started reciting "big I little I, Ichabod is itchy, so am I".

3. During therapy Molly was working on the letter F and asked Justin for letters that started with F.  J replied with "four fluffy feathers on a fiffer feffer feff; he loves his ABC book!

4. Justin is becoming a human juke box.  On our way to school he started singing Demi Lovato's song "Give Your Heart a Break" which surprised me since we don't listen to that song much.

5. Nathan's experimenting with new foods; albeit junk food. He finally showed interest in a freeze pop so Carlene gave him one while they were outside.  He dropped a piece and even though he had plenty more in the plastic he plopped down on the ground to lick it up.  This probably should've been a crazy/silly thing my kids do post smh! 


  1. "Four fluffy feathers on a".....Hilarious. I must admit, I like that book too but the kids ripped it apart. Sounds like I need to replace everyone's favorite.

  2. "Four fluffy feathers on a".....Hilarious. I must admit, I like that book too but the kids ripped it apart. Sounds like I need to replace everyone's favorite.
