Friday, January 24, 2014

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. One of Justin's Scooby Doo figurines was on the table so I asked J who it was and he replied "Velma". The rest of the conversation went like this:
Me: what show is she on, Wubbzy?
J: no
Me: is she on Diego?
J: no
Me: is she on Scooby Doo?
J: no
Me: so if she's not on Scooby Doo or the other shows what show is she on?
J: no mommy I don't want to play this game

2. I was fixing a plate for dinner and Justin grabbed a measuring cup and spoon and started stirring and said look mommy, I make pancakes. Then he proceeded to make a whole lot of other "stuff" and then "wash" dishes.

3. The boys helped me make pancakes for breakfast and after I flipped them over they both started clapping and yelling yay! Then Justin started counting them and said 1 for me and 1 for Nathan.

4. Carl was helping Justin get dressed and told J he was putting the shirt on the wrong way and flipped it but then realized he was wrong so said "sorry J you were right". J patted Carl on the arm and said "it's okay daddy".

5. Nathan kept asking for chocolate milk but I was in the middle of something and told him to wait a minute. He walked into my office carrying the milk, a cup and a straw, walked up to me and said "excuse me, I wanna help mommy pour".

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