Friday, June 6, 2014

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  While taking a walk Nate heard a dog bark and said "mommy, you hear the dog, where's the dog mommy"?  When I told him I heard but didn't see the dog he said "the dog is probably in the house mommy".

2.  Nate told me he wants to go to the Florida so I asked what was in Florida and he said "mommy I have to go on the vacation in Florida".  Then I asked who told him about Florida and he said "I have to go on the vacation with auntie TyC".

3.  Nate asked me "you wanna go see Minnie mom; Nate's going to go see Mickey and Justin's going to go see Donald Duck".

4.  During our walk a couple of kids collided on their bikes and the boys both yelled out "oh no, are you okay"?  When the boy didn't get up right away Nate walked up to him and asked again "are you okay" and when he saw the boy grimace he said "oh no, the boy is crying; he needs a bandaid mommy".

5.  Justin woke up wandering all over the house looking for his Legos and then started crying when he couldn't find them.  A minute later he walked in our room carrying the pants he had on the day before, climbed in our bed, searched the pockets and found his Legos.


  1. Wow... Preschool has led to a language explosion for Nathan!

    1. It sure has Lalla; I remember saying I can't wait for the boys to be more vocal. Now it's nonstop!
