Friday, June 13, 2014

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. We got back from a walk and Carl mentioned making a truck out of a cardboard box. So Justin says "no daddy, I make a rocket ship so I can be an astronaut".

2.  Nathan showed me the newly hatched baby chicks in his classroom and when I asked him what their names where he said "baby chicks".

3.  As we walked around the neighborhood Nate pointed out all of the trucks like mine. Then when he saw one the same color as mine he said "mommy that's your truck".

4.  I was looking at the blog and came across a picture from 2 years ago of me with my mom and sisters and Nate said" those are the mommy's and gammy's".  

5.  Carl pushed Nate as he walked passed him and Nate said "stop, that's not nice daddy, stop".

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