Tuesday, May 26, 2009

14.5 ozs vs. 14.5 lbs

Here are pictures of Justin with his Wee Bundle which was made to his exact birth measurements. I was surprised that I got so emotional when it arrived. It was a painful reminder of his birth but also a nice reminder of how far he's come.


  1. I thinks Justin needs a bigger chair:) He is so so so cute. He is such a happy big boy. He has came a long way compared to his birth weight. Its scary to look back and remember how small he was, but it good to know how blessed your family has been.

  2. The comparison is pretty amazing.

    But for some reason I keep focusing on those jeans and how much Justin looks like a big boy in them.

  3. that's awesome. Now I want one!

  4. i love the last picture...how is fat belly is hanging over the jeans. Lil D's belly does that all the time. gotta love it! LOL

  5. low key that bundle looks kinda big... he seemed soooooo little when he was born. He looks so incredibly different now.. he's such a BIG boy. It's amazing. I agree with lalla - he looks so grown up in jeans.

  6. WOW!!! I remember Justin being tiny but it's hard to do a comparison in your mind as to how small he was to how big he is now. The doll is a great way to "see" just how small he really was when he was born. He truly has come a long way and is truly blessed to have such great parents that always put his needs first. He is getting to be such a big boy. I can't believe it's been a whole year already since he was born. It sure doesn't seem like it's been that long. Can't wait to see him this weekend.
