Monday, May 25, 2009

Two Nights and Two Days with Justin

As Justin already explained in his post below, Richard and I kept Justin for two days. I was going to add pictures, because I think they always make a post more interesting, but Justin "stole" the pictures I took and put them in his post. lol

When I first brought Justin in the house, Richard immediately took him from me. If you know my husband, you know that he is not the most outgoing person; but when he is with Justin, his personality completely lights up.

The 1st night: We ended up having Justin sleep in the bed with us in a mini bassinet (I’m not sure what to really call it). We have a queen size bed and I tend to toss and turn in the night so having the baby between us was interesting. Anyway, Justin woke up at 3:45 in the morning with a short cry. Richard and I both shot straight up to figure out what was wrong. But Justin seemed fine; Richard and Justin went back to sleep but as for me, I was wide awake for the rest of the night. A few more times, Justin gurgled, coughed, or sneezed. I just left my glasses on so I could easily look over and check on him. One time, Richard jumped up again to check on Justin, even putting his hand on him to make sure he was breathing. I thought that was pretty touching.

The 1st day: I tried to follow all the rituals: medicine in the morning, a morning story, tummy time, stomach massages, and neck stretches. Oops, I forgot the prune juice. Whew! Completing everything in the routine was exhausting so when Justin took his morning nap, so did I. In the afternoon, I took Justin outside so I could plant vegetables and flowers. I guess that was fine with Justin because he took his afternoon nap.

The 2nd night: Justin got fussy about 8 p.m. I changed his diaper, and tried to feed and burp him, but nothing was soothing Justin. So, Richard took him. His question to Justin was, “What is your auntie doing to you?” Even Richard couldn’t calm Justin down permanently, so he gave him back to me. In the end, Justin ended up being fussy for about three hours and I never did figure out what was wrong. (Georgina, here is a prime reason for teaching him baby sign language.)

The 2nd day: I had an errand to run so I had to take Justin out in the morning. Richard dressed Justin (but I guess you would know that from Justin’s post.) When we got back home I tried to follow the routine; this time I remembered the prune juice.

By the time Georgina and Carl picked him up Saturday afternoon, I was thoroughly exhausted. All I can say is that my hat goes off to parents! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Justin is bring out another wonderful side of Richard. Ah, the beauty of being an aunt and an uncle. At some point the parents pick up the child and you can re-group and look forward to the next time you spend with your nephew. It's so wonderful the way you all work together!
