Monday, May 25, 2009

My Aunts Rock

Mommy hasn't been feeling well since Wednesday. So Thursday Ty C and aunty Lalla offered to keep me so that mommy could get some rest. Mommy wouldn't let Ty C watch me though since she's on bed rest, but it was still nice that she offered. But Aunty Lalla was already keeping me Friday night so mommy and daddy could celebrate their wedding anniversary. I think mommy's finally feeling better now, she's not wearing that funny white thing on her face anymore. Anyway, here are some pictures from my stay at Aunt & Uncle's. We had fun, although Uncle Richard put my clothes on backwards Saturday.



  1. See Georgy! Richard put his shirt on backwards too? I'm not the only one. HAHA - I think his shirts look better backwards, with the buttons in the front (like big boy clothes. Osh Kosh does not always know best.
