Monday, December 21, 2009

28 week appointment

BP: 131/76
Total weight gain: +3 lbs
Baby's heart rate: 149 bpm

The baby now weighs 2lbs 15ozs and is still measuring ahead at 29w 1d and is in the 65th percentile. My cervix is still long and closed and the blood flow from the placenta to the baby looks good. The fibroids noted in earlier ultrasounds appear to have gotten smaller and shouldn't pose any problems.

I lost a pound since my last appointment so I asked about it at today's appointment, but the doctor wasn't concerned. Usually when they are concerned about a women's weight gain, or lack thereof, they schedule growth ultrasounds. Given my history, they are already watching the baby's growth, and he's clearly growing on track, so she told me not to worry too much about it. Just eat what I can and stay hydrated. So maybe I'll be like Carlene, she didn't really start gaining weight until ~ 30 weeks.

I am scheduled for an amnio on February 19th, and if the baby's lungs are mature my c-section is tentatively scheduled for February 22nd. If not, I will have a c-section on March 1st.

Wow, in just 2 months, I will be the mom of 2 boys under 2.


  1. Only 2 months... I'm so excited!!!!!

  2. Wow - that came fast! Can't wait to meet baby B Jones! lol
