Friday, February 12, 2010

35 week appointment and a trip to labor & delivery

BP: 130/69
Total weight gain: +9 lbs
Nathan's heart rate: 152 bpm

According to the scale I've finally gained some weight, although I question how accurate that gain is since my past appointments have always been first thing in the morning and this appointment was late in the day. At any rate, things looked good so I received the Group B strep test. When the Dr measured my stomach I was very tender so he asked if I was having any contractions. I told him that I was, but nothing timeable or measurable, roughly 4-5 daily. But since I was so uncomfortable, and given my classical c-section incision, he was concerned that I may be in labor, so he sent me to the hospital for monitoring.

Labor & delivery triage was very slow so I was taken back immediately and hooked up to the monitors which showed that I was contracting every 2 minutes. When the midwife checked me I was 1 cm dilated, 40% effaced and -6 station. In short, I was in labor, and what I thought/hoped would be a quick trip to labor and delivery turned into another admit to the hospital.


  1. Sorry you are back in the hospital. But wow! 35 weeks! How amazing to be this far along! Hope the baby stays put another few weeks but congrats on making this's really a blessing!

  2. bugger!
