Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy B-Day Nathan Michael

Thursday, February 11, 2010
7:04 pm
5 lbs, 10 ozs
19 inches long

Birth Story
After they realized I was 1 cm dilated, 40% effaced and -6 station there was a whirlwind of activity. Residents, nurse anesthetists, anesthesiologists and nurses were in and out of my room asking questions and prepping me for a c-section. I was pretty calm until I realized that Carl might miss Nathan's birth and it was like I was reliving May 29th all over again.

I'm no stranger to surgery, but it's always been under general anesthesia. This time around I was getting a spinal, which would allow me to be awake during the delivery, and emotionally I wasn't prepared for it. Fortunately the spinal wasn't bad at all (pain wise) but I was still upset that Carl had not yet arrived by the time the anesthesiologist finished and my Dr was ready to make the first incision. The whole process went relatively quickly, and no sooner than they started it seemed like they were pulling Nathan out and I heard him crying. At that point Carl walked in, was able to hold Nathan and show him to me. Although Nathan was breathing on his own and looked really good, he was having some retractions so they sent him to the NICU for monitoring. He spent a few hours in the NICU while I was in recovery and I was able to meet and hold him once I was settled into my room.


  1. congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations!! That is GREAT that Carl made it just in time!

  3. Whew!! Best wishes to you and Carl.
    Another whirlwind will start when you get home.
