Wednesday, May 25, 2011

3 year appointment

Weight: 23 lbs, 12 ozs, less than 5th percentile
Length: 34 inches, less than 5th percentile
Clothes size: 24 months/2T
Shoe size: 6
Diaper size: 5

Dr. Hirsch was very pleased with Justin's growth; 3 1/2 lbs in a year.  She said the average weight gain between age 2 -3 is 2 1/2 lbs so Justin had some catch up growth this year.  Even though he's still in the less than 5th percentile he's narrowing the gap on the growth chart, YAY!

Justin's eating 3 full meals daily, often eating Aiden & Nathan's or anyone else's left overs.  He drinks 3 cups of whole milk and snacks regularly.   Since he's eating so well and had great weight gain Dr. Hirsch wants us to cut him back to 10ozs of milk daily.  He's still drinking from a sippy cup but we're working on getting him to drink from a straw.

Developmentally, here's what J is up to these days:
  • J can say his ABCs and 123s (he's counting to 20)
  • J can name major body parts (often pointing them out on other people)
  • J can name the basic shapes (we're working on colors)
  • J knows the sounds animals make (cows moo, cats meow, dogs roof, ducks quack, frogs ribbit)
  • J knows his cousin's names (Aiden is Hey-den & Ariana is Na-na)
  • J's had a huge language explosion over the past few months so I've lost count of how many words he knows and speaks.  He's repeating/imitating more and more each day and although he's still not speaking in sentences he's speaking more and more 2 word phrases.  He's getting better at verbalizing what he wants when he's hungry, although all snacks are referred to as cookies.
  • J can jump and down
  • J can climb in and out of his crib (we know it's time to convert his crib to a toddler bed but we're waiting until we move)
  • J is very resourceful (he pushes living room chairs to the mantle to grab remotes, climbs on bookcases to get to items on top of Carl's armoire)
  • J can feed himself, brush his own teeth, take off his pants and socks and put his arms through the opening in his shirts/coats
So overall J is doing pretty well.  We know he has a speech delay but we're waiting on his year end Early On evaluation to determine just how severe and next steps.


  1. Definitely time to convert to toddler bed, we switched ours after the second time he climbed out and nearly broke something!!

  2. I can't believe he's three already. Where has the time gone? Yay Justin!
