Friday, May 27, 2011

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. As told by Lalla: J was shooting baskets and wanted me to take a turn. After a few shots I put the cloth block in Ari's hand and lifted her up to the hoop. I would say dunk it and have Ari drop the block through the hoop. After the 2nd time J said dunk it and laughed. At first I doubted what I had heard but he said it a couple more times right on cue.

2. The boys and I were playing in Justin's room and I asked J if he wanted oatmeal or grits for breakfast and he said grits. When he took his first bite he made a funny face (I guess because I made them differently than TC does) but after the 2nd bite he asked for more and then said good after finishing each bite.

3. I was in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner and Justin laid down on the floor and started counting my toes.

4. Justin likes to break dance. I wish I could catch it on video to show to you but just imagine an almost 3 year old in a one year old's body doing that, doesn't it sound hilarious?

5. Carl was changing Nathan's diaper and when he started babbling I covered his mouth which made the cowboys and Indians sound. So Justin, who was hovering around started covering his mouth to make the same sound.

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