Friday, June 17, 2011

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. Justin walked into our bedroom and when I asked for a hug he smiled at me, yelled out hug, hugged himself and then ran out of the room laughing.

2. During dinner Justin started barking and a few seconds later Nathan started barking in between shoving pieces of his cereal bar in his mouth.

3. Not sure where he got it from but Justin walks around the house saying "quiet" and then putting his finger to his mouth to say "shhhh", even when no one's talking.

4. Justin has a bad habit of grinding his teeth so we had our first "why, why, why" encounter Thursday morning.

Me: J, stop that
J: why
Me: because I said so
J: Why
Me: because it's not good for your teeth
J: why
Me: because it'll damage your teeth
J: why
Me: just stop it, okay
J: why

I gave up at that point, lol!

5. Justin started walking around the house this week yelling out "I'm happy".

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Justin is a big teaser. #5 is the best entry with Justin saying: "I'm Happy"
