Thursday, June 16, 2011

Too Much TV

I never wanted to be that parent who let the TV babysit my kids. But shortly after Carl got back from Iraq I realized Justin was watching WAY too much TV when he threw a tantrum after I turned the TV off and tried to do some puzzles with him. I'm sure many parents will agree that at certain times the TV is needed (i.e. like when you're cooking dinner and need the kids out of the kitchen or when you're doing laundry).  Well unfortunately I relied on it too much while Carl was gone.

Although I must say that TV isn't all bad. After all, I credit Sesame Street and Elmo with J learning his numbers and ABCs. And when the boys watch TV they watch educational shows (Sesame Street, Your Baby Can Read, Baby Einstein) and rarely just regular cartoons. That being said, I was determined to limit even the amount of educational TV the boys watch and start doing more interactive things with them. The first few weeks were tough; they have short attention spans. Now that the weather is nice we're able to take them outside or to the park.

Now we'll never get to only one hour of TV a week day like we were allowed when I grew up but I think we're on the right track.  But any suggestions for indoor activities, you know, for those rainy days, would be greatly appreciated.


  1. 1 hour a week. Quit fooling! Verna wasn't THAT strict. lol. I've also wondered how in the world I could enforce something similar as I see the benefits. But now it would need to include Computer and video games, and I personally can't handle only allowing 1 hour of TV per day for Ariana. That means more work for me. Maybe when she gets older and more independent she can entertain herself AND keep herself out of trouble?!?!?!?! sigh... How did mom do it?

  2. This evening we talked to a couple who has 5 children who are high school and college age. When the oldest child was 4 years old, the parents got rid of their TV. When the children were small the family read a lot and they read to each other. I told them about your situation, and they suggested stories on CD.
