Saturday, May 5, 2012

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. Nathan loves to jump and when he jumps he kicks one of his legs out like a cheer leading move.

2. We were getting ready for the walk Sunday morning and when I grabbed Nathan's shoes he started yelling out "shoe, shoe". I asked him if I was putting on Nate's shoes and he said "yeah".

3. The boys were chasing each other around the couch.  Justin was sitting on the potty when Nate started running circles around the couch and started scooting after Nathan on his potty chair.

4. I'm loving how affectionate the boys are with each other. I crack up every time they hug because they both get so excited and the hug always ends up with them falling down on each other because they're hugging so hard.

5. Justin's such a big boy; when we got home from the park he walked in the house, took his shoes off and then went to the cabinet and grabbed a cup so he could get something to drink.

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