Friday, May 11, 2012

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. I was in Justin's room getting him ready for bed and I heard Carl say to Nathan "oh, that's what you're singing" and then he started singing along with Nathan singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". When J heard them he started singing along with them and especially loved yelling twinkle twinkle.

2. After dressing the boys for bed Carl turns around and they climb on his back to go to the bathroom to brush their teeth.  I was already in the bathroom with Nate when Carl brought J in who kept saying "here we go, weee".

3. We were eating lunch and Justin kept looking out of the window saying "I see dinosaurs" so we'd ask "where do you see dinosaurs J?" and he'd reply "is it a cat, meow, no, it's dinosaurs". Can't wait to hear his stories once his language really takes off. 

4. It was raining when I dropped Justin off at school Monday morning so we went inside. I planned to just step right inside the outer door and wait but as soon as the kids opened the door for us J barged his way through the crowd of big kids all the way through the inner doors and stood by the lockers where they normally wait for the rest of his classmates who ride the bus.

5. I was getting the boys' pj's ready while Carl started their bath. When I walked into the bathroom the boys were having a ball shampooing Carl's hair.

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