Sunday, June 3, 2012

4 year appointment

Weight: 26 lbs, 8 ozs
Length: 35 1/2 inches
Clothes size: 2T/3T
Shoe size: 7
Diaper size: 2T/3T

Even though I'm finally at peace with the fact that Justin will be the little big brother I was still a little anxious that he didn't gain enough this year and was totally prepared to discuss starting growth hormone therapy.  The average weight gain from 3 to 4 is about 4-6 lbs and the average growth is about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches.  But 3 lbs and 1 1/2 inches in a year, I'll take it.  He's still small for his age but he continues to follow his own curve on the growth chart.  Unfortunately Dr. Hirsch is out on medical leave so we had to see another Dr. in the practice but I'll discuss growth hormone therapy with her when she gets back. 

J has his moments when he gets picky about what he eats but overall he's eating well and has a healthy appetite; once he finishes his plate he always looks at our plates and takes food off of it.  He drinks a cup of milk and juice a day and snacks throughout the day.  He's mastered drinking from a straw so we're now working on him drinking out of a cup and he likes to drink water from the bottle.

After his appointment we took the boys to a birthday party and J had a ball running around the park, climbing on the playscape and going down the slides.  When we left we could tell his legs were hurting because he started walking funny, after all he did get 4 shots.  But we figured that would be the extent of his reaction to the shots so we headed to our friends for a BBQ.  Initially he was fine and enjoyed playing with the other kids but he ended up spiking a fever and threw up, poor little man.

Developmentally, here's what J is up to these days:

  • Runs and jumps easily

  • Walks up stairs unassisted

  • Washes and dries hands

  • Stacks 10 blocks

  • Can stand on tip-toes

  • Uses spoon/fork well and feeds self

  • Dresses and undresses self except for buttons and laces

  • Speaks in two or three word sentences

  • Can remember simple rhymes or lyrics

  • Uses "please" and "thank you"

  • Names colors

  • Attempts to solve problems

  • Can point to the correct picture when asked a simple question about it

  • Likes: puzzles, balls, trains, dancing, singing
    Dislikes/Fears: dogs, being dirty

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