Friday, June 1, 2012

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  Nathan helped me feed the cats Sunday morning; after he poured the food in their dish he started clapping, said "I did it" and then repeated after me when I said good job. Then he clapped again after he put the scoop back in the cat food container.

2.  While we were putting the boys to bed Monday night we kept asking J how old he was and told him that he'd be 4 tomorrow. Nathan was in the glider and when he heard us he started counting to 4; when we looked over we saw that he was lifting his fingers as he counted.

3.  I was reading Hop on Pop and Carl said "I hope the boys don't take this literally" so I joked and told Justin to go hop on pop. J didn't get that pop was daddy so I said go hop on daddy and J gave me the "what you talking about Willis" look and then told me "noooooo".

4.  Nathan has been really attached to his stuffed animals lately. When he walks in the house he goes from room to room, both up and downstairs, searching for Elmo.  But Thursday he left Elmo in my truck and Carl called me at work to ask where Elmo was because Nathan was upset when he realized he was no where to be found.

5. Carlene took Arianna and Aiden to the bathroom.  Well J didn't want to be left out so he pulled his pants and Pull-Up down and when Carlene turned her head she saw a big puddle in the middle of the floor. 

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