Friday, July 18, 2014

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. We were passing Metro PCS and Nate said "Mommy see the phones, let's count them, yes I see 4 phones mom".

2. While at J's annual eye exam the assistant asked Justin if he wore glasses and J said yes, then looked at me and said "mommy where are my glasses?" When I told him he didn't wear glasses he said "but mommy my glasses" and ran to my purse, grabbed my sunglasses, put them on and said "aah shuntastic".

3. While taking a walk Nathan proclaimed that there were 4 daddy's, 4 Nathan's, 4 Justin's but only mommy.  Then he said "let's count the Nathan's, daddy's & Justin's mom".

4. We were in the elevator and a lady asked J how old he was and he said "my name is Justin". He then looked up at me, then looked at the lady and said "and this is mommy".

5. Background:  At swim lessons, the start of classes is announced  from a particular door and they hand out goggles.  But since we bought the boys goggles we enter through another door that's closer to their lanes.  While we were waiting for class to start Nate looked at the time on my phone (a minute before class started), then looked at the door where the announcement is made and then repeated the spiel that they do when class starts:  Attention swimmers, it's 8:30 and time for class.

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