Friday, January 22, 2016

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. Nate: Are you leaving CJ?
Carl: What did you call me?
Nate: CJ, oops I called you CJ by mistake
Carl: Nathan I'm your dad, you don't call me that
Nate: But Dad, your initials ARE CJ...CJ is Carl Jones

2. While putting up the Xmas decorations the garland on the mantle fell. J jumped up immediately and ran to the mantle yelling "Let me help you Mom, I'm here".

3. We were coming home and Justin proclaims "Wow this is beautiful, I can see the stars and the light".

4. I got home after the boys were in bed but the next morning Carl was giving me a recap of the night before and how Nathan wasn't feeling well.  When I asked Nate about it the next morning he says "Yes I had a tummy ache and it escorted out my butt and then I looked at it and saw Hershey syrup".

5. I was working late and Carl sent me a picture of Nate wearing his pajamas with shoes.  When I got home from work I check on the boys and found Nate asleep with his gym shoes on.  I asked Carl if he let my child go to bed with shoes on and he said no, of course not.  So the next morning Nate and I had the following convo:
Me: You like your new pajamas?
Nate: Yeah, I was gonna explain that.
Me: Yeah, why did you wear your shoes to bed?
Nate: PJ Masks Carter wears his shoes to bed

1 comment:

  1. I read this before but missed the it escorted out my butt and I saw Hershey syrup. You need to write a book of the things they say. You could retire early!!
