Friday, February 10, 2017

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  During breakfast Nate says "Good morning Basyl are you ready for school today?

2.  Randomly Nate says "Mom I like apples, I mean I like to eat apples but I don't like apple iPads or phones or computers anymore so who can I give my iPad to cause I want a leap pad"?

3.  Me:  What's this?
J: A medal.
Me: A medal for what?
J:  For being a winner.
Me: A winner for what?
J: I was the fastest, I beat Jalen and Minjun.

4.  Nate:  Mom I got the batteries, I have 4.
Me:  Nate you only need 2.
Nate:  No Mom I need 4 cause there's 2 remotes.
Me:  You're right, great job Nate!
Nate:  Thanks Mom for telling me I'm right.

5.  Nate was sitting at the table eating dinner and grabbed his coat and started putting it on saying "I need something to keep me cozy."

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