I'm a little behind because you know that thing called life. I've been logging the boys cute sayings, just haven't had the chance to sit down and blog. But as always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:
1. My co-worker and friend came to Nate's baseball game and had the cutest conversation
Jennie: Who is the president?
Nate: The government.
Jennie: (laughing) No Nate, who's the president?
Nate: Donald Trump
Jennie: Who was the president before Donald Trump?
Nate: Martin Luther King Jr.
2. Me: Nate what's wrong?
Nate: I don't like those crooks.
Me: Crooks, what crooks?
Nate: (pointing) In my nose, I don't like when they're in my nose.
Me: Oh you mean boogers.
Nate: Yeah I don't like boogers they're always sneaking in my nose.
3. The boys got home after I got my hair braided and when J saw me he yelled out Mom you're back, your hair is cute, I LIKE it!!!
4. Justin was playing with our neighbor at recess and his classmates started teasing him saying that she was his girlfriend. To which Justin responds "that's not my girlfriend, that's my sister."
5. Carl's crown came off so he walked in Nate's room to which Nate replied "Dad your tooth came out congratulations the tooth fairy will come tonight"!
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