Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More Kids

Like most couples Carl and I discussed kids before we got married. Carl only wanted one child. I on the other hand did not want an only child and always said that if we had 2 of the same sex I'd be willing to try a 3rd time to get the opposite sex. So we compromised on 2.

Now that we have two boys we're often asked "when are you going to try for a girl?" Every now and then, whenever I see a newborn, I start to daydream about having another baby. But then I think about how much work it is with Justin and Nathan and I quickly snap out of it. Soon after we had Nathan Carl told me he was shutting down production like GM did Pontiac. But two weeks ago Carl admitted to me that he was holding Ariana and started thinking about how nice it would be to have a girl.

That being said, we both agreed that unless there was a way you could guarantee that we'd have a girl then neither of us was willing to take the chance. Don't get us wrong, we love our boys to death but we don't want three boys. Besides, with all the medical problems I've had and after two premature deliveries it's probably best not to press our luck.

But I'm not going to lie, I feel like I'll be missing out. No cheer leading, dance recitals, playing dress up, painting nails/putting on makeup, planning a wedding, being in the delivery room when she has her own kids. Yes I know that none of that is a given just because I have a girl but I'm basing my expectations on how close I was/am with my mother. So looks like I'll be a football, soccer, karate, baseball mom and hope my boys will still want to hang out with their mom when they're older.

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