Friday, September 28, 2012

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1. We were at the table eating lunch and when Justin saw my salad he yelled out leaves (romaine lettuce), trees (broccoli). Then he grabbed a piece of my broccoli, took a bite and said "it's delicious" and took another bite.

2. Justin was hovering over me asking to use my phone. When I told him to wait he folded his hands together, looked at me and said "please, pretty please".

3. Carl was going over flash cards with the boys on his iPad and when they got to F there was a picture of a fire truck and when the siren wet off Justin said "oh no".

4. I put Nathan to bed and as I walked out of his room he told me goodnight for the first time.

5.  Nathan loves tickle/zurburt time so whenever he wants us to tickle him he comes to us and yells out "tickle tickle tickle". 

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