Friday, February 22, 2013

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  The boys got a belated Valentine's Day gift from a friend's mom and when I gave it to Justin his eyes lit up and he said oooh, aaaah, wow, it's a ladybug.  

2.  Nathan was sitting on the potty playing with his penis and when I told him to stop playing and push it down Justin said "push your penis down Nathan".

3.  Out of the blue Nathan has started singing "wash wash wash your hands gently down the .....merrily merrily merrily....   Not sure we're he got that from.

4.  I was going over body parts with Justin and when I asked him where his fingers were he wiggled them and said tickle tickle tickle.  Then I asked about his feet and he lifted his foot and said "here you go foot", took his shoe off, said "here you go shoe", took his sock off, said "here you go sock" and then said "tickle tickle tickle".

5.  I put on a facial mask and asked Justin what color my face was and he pointed at his face and said brown.  When I asked him again what color was mommy's face he pointed at my face and said white.

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