Friday, April 19, 2013

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  Justin still sits when he pees and we're trying to get him to stand.  So when he went to the bathroom I asked him if he knew the difference between peeing and pooping and he said "yes, I pee-poot".

2.  Justin carried Nathan's blankets to Nate's room and put them on his bed.  As Carl was tucking Nate in for the night J climbed on the dresser, turned the light off and then said "good night Nathan" as he walked out the room.

3.  We were crossing the street to drop Justin off at school and when he saw the door open he started screaming Ms. Lisa and pulled away from hand and tried to run across the street to his teacher, even thought it wasn't his teacher Ms. Lisa, it was one of the para pros.  But as soon as he reached Ms. Piper he hugged her legs. 

4.  I was putting Nathan down for a nap and instead of crying he said "oh no, where's Elmo?"

5. Out of the blue Justin threw up in the locker room right before swimming class. When I asked if he wanted to get in the pool he said no, then I asked if his tummy hurt and he said "yes, my tummy hurts". This is the first time he's really answered yes/no questions properly and without being silly/goofy.

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