Friday, April 26, 2013

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  I asked J how was school and who did he play with it and he said "Sophia she's a she's a princess".  So I asked if he played with any other kids and he said "no Sophia she's a she's a princess".

2.  Justin wore his new spring jacket for the first time but he's so attached to his winter coat; when I handed J's new jacket to him he fussed and said "no that's not my jacket" and walked to the closet to grab his winter coat.  He settled down after I reminded him that he picked out his new jacket. 

3.  The boys were watching TV and I heard J tell Nate "be careful Nathan, you're too close".

4.  We got to school early and the kids who ride the bus were standing outside playing Simon Says with the bus driver.  So the bus driver asked J if he wanted to play and he excitedly joined in after saying hi to each of his classmates. 

5.  Justin hit Nathan and when I told him to apologize and give Nate a hug he did and then said "love you Nathan". 

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