Friday, May 10, 2013

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  Justin was having a difficult time putting on his shoes and said "I'm trying, I won't give up". 

2.  Carl was changing Nate's when he realized we were out of Pull Ups so he asked J to go downstairs and grab one out of the cars book bag on the kitchen counter.  Carl heard J move one of the bar stools and then he heard J walking up the steps and when J walked in Nate's room he had the cars book bag in one hand and the Pull Up in the other.

3.  We dropped my father in law off at home after March for Babies and when he got out of the truck Nathan yelled "bye bye thank you".

4.  Justin was playing with a straw and kept raising it in the air saying "I'm so happy, reach far far up away".  Nathan joined in and raised his puzzle piece in the air and started repeating after J.

5.  Nate was riding his tricycle on the walking path when a neighbor walked past and Nate yelled "hi, bicycle, bicycle".  Then he waved and yelled bye bye as she walked away.  A few minutes later he saw another neighbor 10 ft away and started yelling "hi" and as he approached he had to tell him it was his bicycle. 

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