As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:
1. When Carl got back from his work trip Nate ran to the front door excitedly and yelled "Daddy you're home, where's Elmo"?
2. Nathan: Justin look what I have, I got treats. Justin: (uninterested) No that's juice Nathan!
3. We took the boys to a preseason game and as we parked Carl told the boys this is where he lived when he was little. Nate replies "Oh you lived at the football game Dad"?
4. AJ jumped on me and bust my lip. The boys saw me grimace and asked if I was OK and when I said no they said "It's okay mom, you'll feel better, you just need some water and some rest so lay down".
5. Nathan asked if we were taking pictures after I told him family was coming over. I said "yeah this is your mom we're talking about so of course a camera will be involved". Nate "Oh so are we going to the studio".
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