Friday, September 29, 2017

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  Nate: Mom, Justin wanted to get this (picture of plush Brittney chipmunk doll) at Toys R Us last week.
Me: J why'd you want that?
J: Because she's my girlfriend and I like her so much!  

2.  Nate:  Your Mom is pretty Justin, come down and see Mom's hair.
Nate:  J, introducing Mom's new hair.
J: It's cool mom!

3.  Justin came in our room during vacation and tucked me in and said "sleep tight little Mom" and then pulled the blankets over me, patted me on the back and kissed my eyes.

4.  (knock on door)  Nate:  Mom what time is it?
Me:  6:30
Nate: Oh ok, can I wake up at 7 😯

5. Nate: Justin stop telling on me.
Justin: Mom, can you tell Nathan to watch his tone!

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