Friday, May 31, 2013

5 on Friday

As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:

1.  J handed me a Cheerio and said "mommy you wanna Scooby snack"?

2.  J was playing with a whale so I asked him where do whales live and he replied "in the water" so I said "great job, that's right" then he said "in the pool water" lol. 

3.  Justin had a good conversation with Donald at his birthday party.  J was playing with balloons in the family room and said "I have 3 balloons".  Donald says "you need to do that again" and J said "WAIT I have 4 balloons". 

4.  For J's birthday I hung streamers and balloons outside his bedroom door so that he'd have a nice surprise when he woke up on his birthday.  Well of course I wanted to capture the moment on film but didn't want to mess with the streamers or balloons so I knocked on J's door to wake him up and Nate came behind me and knocked on the door and said "wake up Justin".

5.  J started screaming about an hour after he went to bed and when I went to check on him and walked in his room he said "I'm scared".  Carl walked in behind me and asked "is the dryer on" and sure enough, you could hear the dryer through the vent. This is the first time J has ever verbally expressed his emotions. 

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