As always, here are 5 special reasons I'm loving my boys this week:
1. Carlene had me pack the boys swim trunks so they could have some outdoor water fun. The whole morning my boys excitedly yelled beach party. Not sure where they picked that up from.
2. We were at the zoo waiting in line for the water fountain and after a little boy and his mom finished J said "it's Justin's turn".
3. Nate had a little melt down when I dropped him off at Carlene's and AJ gave him a hug and said "TT I make him not cry".
4. We were on our way to Lalla's and Justin started calling out for Ari so I told him yes, you're going to see Ari and J said "yessss, I love Ari".
5. Here's my conversation with Justin after spending the evening at Lalla's and watching Toy Story 3 and eating popcorn.
Me: did you have fun at TT's last night?
J: yes
Me: what did you do?
J: play at Ari's
Me: did you watch a movie?
J: yes
Me: what movie
J: Toy Story